This is the Super High End Division (SHED for short) blog of Gil Shuler Graphic Design.
We will be posting stuff that interest us and hope it will interest you enough to respond. Be cool.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

rubber worm molds

found these a while back. i remember when i was a kid my dad used to make his own rubber worms by pouring the hot colored rubber into molds like these. these look like some weird chart. the would make great graphs. i thought they were cool, its probably just me.


  1. Hey, I saw that picture of the worm mold and I'm extremely interested in finding out where I can buy one--do you have any clue?? I have a personal project and that mold would be perfect.

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  3. Do you have both sides of these molds. I know these molds very well you should be able to find my finger prints on them if you have the complete sets i would love to buy them



  • Wristcutters -- very original idea. tom waits in it this one.
  • Down By Law --Awesome movie by jim jarmusch
  • Choke -- chuck pahlaniuk, need i say more?
  • The Big Lebowski--a coen brothers classic
  • Let the Right One In -- fresh take on the vampire genre. incredible movie
  • True Romance-tarantino script, one of the best movies ever
  • Fargo--another coen brothers classic, you betcha.
  • In Bruges--touching, funny, exciting. great movie