This is the Super High End Division (SHED for short) blog of Gil Shuler Graphic Design.
We will be posting stuff that interest us and hope it will interest you enough to respond. Be cool.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

taxidermy lady

at the fair they have a large exhibit barn that folks pay to have a small space to advertise their business. there was a lady there with her stuffed dead animals. the photo here is of the rare "tabletop raccoon". of course it is not alive, it is stuffed. the live ones are real easy to catch though.

appetizing photos

don't these photos of fries make your mouth water? yummay...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


as a designer of packaging, labels, etc., you got to appreciate the simplicity of these. plus look at the size of the salt container. "put some o dat salt an hot sauce on dat frided dough, it will kickass!"


with hair. i always love the food illustrations on the vendors at the fair. this one is gross even without the hair on it.

the coastal carolina fair

well it's fair time again and i am pleased to say that me and my family love the fair. we go every year and have a ball. i took some interesting photos--well i think they are interesting. i will post a few over the next few days. since i am a typography guy i had to post this one first."fresh CLIT fries". can you believe they sell those out there? i thought it was a family affair. mo to come...


  • Wristcutters -- very original idea. tom waits in it this one.
  • Down By Law --Awesome movie by jim jarmusch
  • Choke -- chuck pahlaniuk, need i say more?
  • The Big Lebowski--a coen brothers classic
  • Let the Right One In -- fresh take on the vampire genre. incredible movie
  • True Romance-tarantino script, one of the best movies ever
  • Fargo--another coen brothers classic, you betcha.
  • In Bruges--touching, funny, exciting. great movie